Monday, 11 April 2011

Brighton Marathon - 10th April 2011

I DID IT!!!!!

I planned to complete in 4:20 and actually completed in 4:21.
Thank you to everyone who supported me with donations to the charity, sent e-mails, texts, phone calls etc. I am so privileged to have such support.
It was a very hot day with temperatures reaching 23 degrees celsius. 15,000 registered & 8,000 actually ran as many had given up due to injuries & hot weather on the day. I finished 3,339 th. Not bad for a first marathon. Many ran the first half fast and paid for it. I would have run past almost a thousand runners on the 2nd half.
You can see from my times that I ran pretty much the same pace all the way finishing with the fastest mile time on the last mile.

The route

At mile 13 waving at Chitrani & co.

My support group consisting of Chitrani, Aaron, Jerushan & Rathini & Mohan who came all the way from London to spend the day with us.
L ro R: Jerushan, Chitrani, me, Aaron & Rathini
Mohan - who did a great job with the camera.
A special mention to my wife, Chitrani, who did so much for me since I started training in September 2010. I could not have done it without you & our father in heaven.

A final bit of video taken by my son Aaron...

That's it... all done.

Day before Marathon... Pasta party @ Kym's place..
Back row L to R: Mohan, Dave, Jamie, Bob, Erik & Nigel
Front Row L to R: Sarah, Kym, Sarah & Debbie
Everyone who were at the pasta party. 9th April 2011

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Week 29. Runs = 2. Total = 11.36 Miles

11.36 miles! Pah! Penultimate week!

So far I have run almost 500 miles over 85 hours as part of my of training!!!

I asked a guy who had run 40 marathons (yes 40!) for some advice. He said..
1. Enjoy your run!
2. Don't run fast at the start.
He said that a lot of people will overtake me at the start but I will overtake 100's at the final stages...
Well I am aiming for 4 hours & 20 minutes. So I plan to run 10 minute miles all the way.

Cake for Ambassadors

Couple of runs & a swim. Ran some intervals @ hove park on Wednesday. 2 minutes fast & 1 minute rest. I was surprised how many people were running! Got together with some friends I run with and did a lovely run in Shoreham - 6 miles. It felt as though it finished before it started!!

Oh today (Sunday) is mother's day. I got my wife, Chitrani some presents & cooked lunch. I put too much pepper.... Ouch!
Chitrani, Moi, Jerushan & Aaron enjoying my "mother's" day lunch!

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Week 28. Runs = 2. Total = 17 Miles

Got my number! Yeah!

Just a 10 miler this week & some interval work again. Everything feels right. Thank God.

Went to see the Marathon group before their training run. Here are some pictures...

The nice thing about the Marathon training is that you get to meet lots of nice people. Some of them are special.... like Sarah who has been so encouraging & supportive right the way through. Every encounter with her has been so positive. She is so gracious too & makes you feel so important. She is part of the team that organises the Marathon & they are BUSY!

Then you get someone like Steve..... totally dedicated to help people train & always has time for you. Steve joined the training runs in spite of an ankle injury!! I have learnt so much from these two. Oh BTW they are great runners too.
Sarah & Steve
These are the rest of the ambassadors. They devote so much of their time helping organise the training runs & running with us.
The Ambassadors
Also, me with Dave & Jonathan.... Great guys.

So.... two weeks to go!

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Week 27. Runs = 3. Total = 30.5 Miles

So its "ramping down" period. Having run my longest last week it was a "mere" 15 miles this week!! However I ran it at a faster pace than I normally do. 9:18 miles per minute. I was fine with this pace.

My interval training sessions have helped.  I do 4,  one mile intervals with a half mile rest in-between. I have been running these 1 miles at 7:40 pace. The intention is to do all 4 intervals at the same speed and I have been able to achieve it. So thats good.

Have been using the "foam roller". It was recommended to me by the gym instructor & a physiotherapist. Apparently this really massages the muscles & makes the muscles supple. Here are some pictures of the various exercises.

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Week 26. Runs = 4. Total = 41 Miles

I always wanted to  do a 22 mile run & did it today in 3:45. The furthest I have ever run! I could not have left it any later as there are only 27 days left before the marathon! So now I have the stamina (i've done a 19 mile & a 20 mile in addition to this) so need to concentrate on being able to run 10 minutes miles to reach my target of 4:30. Time will tell.

I ran the Brighton Marathon training group's route a day earlier as it was a very interesting one.  I was surprised to see Sarah (Brighton Marathon organisation) & Steve (Marathon trainer) checking out the route in the bicycles! Here is the route I ran.

I promised to write a bit about Carbo loading. Well running anaerobically using glycogen is the most efficient way of using energy. So before a run & after a run its important to carboload. Select food that have a high Glycogen index to benefit more.

I also bought a pair of "Skins" they are supposed to help reduce the build up of lactic acid in your body by reducing the vibration on the muscles. I felt great running in them although they cost the earth to buy!!

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Week 25. Runs = 1. Total = 20.06 Miles.

I ran another "my longest run ever" today. 20 miles! Thats 3:38 minutes of non stop running!

Since my Flu I have been going to the gym to do some interval training. So no road running before my long run.
Today's 20 mile route
Some TLC after the run ;)

I have been looking at how the body uses energy to fuel my body. I have learnt why its better for the body to use Glycogen reserves as opposed to fat. I have learnt how to run the long practice runs and why people hit the wall. More next week.....

Sunday, 27 February 2011

Week 24. Runs = 0. BANG! FLU!!!!

Man flu. Have been in bed most of this week. Temperature, sore throat, chest infection, difficulty breathing... you name it I had it. So once again no training this week. It is frustrating - frustrating that every time I get myself back something happens.


Its OK! There are people with more serious issues... like Chitrani's classmate. She was diagnosed with a form of cancer that causes huge tumours to grow all over her body. They have removed one of her eyes and the other eye is now closed due to another one on her face. They cannot operate.. So she is blind. She said that she is just living for her 3 children... so that they can console themselves that they have a mother. She is mostly in bed. She said she spends her time crying most days.
When Chitrani told her about my BIG PROBLEM i.e My chest infection.. she gave Chitrani a home remedy recipe and asked her to cut the call short and go make my remedy!!!

So who am I to complain eh? I thought I's better SHUT UP and get back to running when my body allows me to do so...

So friends I am thankful that I can still run the marathon.

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Week 23. Runs = 2. Total = 27.56 Miles.

Moi, Jerushan, Birthday Girl & Aaron
As Chitrani's birthday was on Sunday (20th Feb) I decided to do my long run on the Saturday. So Jamie, Sarah & I set out at 7am. It was raining, cold & windy. Ran all the way to Worthing along the seafront. Man it was horrible. Even with ear protectors I felt very cold. It took me about a couple of minutes just to put my gloves back on. Sarah decided it was enough for her somewhere between 10 & 11 miles and Jamie & I did a longer run. By the time we finished it was 19.3 miles in total. It took me 3.18 hrs!!. The only other run for the week was an 8 miler with hills.
Interesting comparing pace over two long runs

Sunday, 13 February 2011

Week 22. Runs = 1. Total = 18.31 Miles.

My longest run ever...
Due to my injury I was not able to do any running this week. Went straight into the big Brighton Marathon training Sunday run. It was 18.3 miles. I really started to feel it at the 14 mile mark. Not only did the 10 minute mile pack catch me up but easily passed me and at the end I could not even see them in the distance!! THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO DO IT MOHAN!

Interesting to see the miles per minute times my Garmin recorded for me.

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Week 21. Runs = 4. Total = 17.75 Miles. Ouch again!

Ran to work & back on two days but on the Friday run back home I extended the run to just under 9 miles. I was running with a heavy backpack. Half way through the run I started getting a pain in the achilles area. So unfortunately I had to miss the long Sunday practice run. Gutted!


Causes of Achilles Tendon Injury
Achilles tendon injuries can be caused by: overuse, misalignment, improper footwear, medication side effects, and/or accidents. Multiple causes often contribute to the same Achilles tendon injury. For example: a sudden increase in hill climbing, worn out shoes, and weak or tight calf muscles could all contribute to Achilles tendinosis and Achilles tendonitis.

Sunday, 30 January 2011

Week 20. Runs = 8. Total = 47.17 Miles

The longest combined distance in a week. The largest number of runs in a week.

Running to and back from work helped the number of run totals ;).

Today's Marathon training run was a long one too... 16 miles. It was a beautiful morning and we ran along the river.

So all in all a "Marathon week" of running. My ankle was fine and I am so happy about this.
Sarah & me after the run
I feel absolutely tired. Just spoke with Sarah who did her longest run today. She said that she has to descend sideways down the steps!! Sarah's knee was fine too.

Weekly stats from my Garmin!
Ran the last half with a young girl called Cathy. She overtook us earlier but was suffering a bit towards the end. So when I caught up with her we ran together doing 10 minute miles. She was very pleased to have finished the run.
I made an energy drink... Recipe on an earlier blog

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Week 19. Runs = 2. Total = 9 Miles

First two runs after a 3 week rest due to injury. I didn't push it or for that matter run for too long. My foot felt fine so need to slowly get back into running again.

Sarah @ the Brighton Marathon group needs a special mention as she has been so encouraging and kept in touch regularly via e-mail. Thank you Sarah. You are a true ambassador for the Brighton Marathon.

So two runs, a three mile & a six mile.
Just about to run to work... my first run after injury

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Week 18. Rest week 2

My ankle is much better but I realise I have to rest. I have been swimming 3 times a week so this hopefully will do me some good. I have already missed 2 sunday marathon training runs. But this injury has made me think.... think about getting this marathon training into context...

So I will resume and do my best but this will not be the most important thing I will be doing. Things like time with the family, having time for others are much greater... much much greater...

Thats it!

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Week 17. Ouch.

After 16 long weeks of training I got injured on the very first Sunday of 2011. I sensed a small niggle whilst I was running but did not think much of it. After the run on my way to the car I felt the pain. In fact when I took my first step I almost fell over! I could not even press the clutch to engage gear whilst driving home.

Chitrani took me to A&E and they confirmed - after an X-ray - that no bones were broken. Relief!
The purple arrow indicates injury point.

Some tender loving care in the kitchen...

So its many many "ouches" this week.... :(

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Week 16. Runs = 3. Total = 33.83 (Miles)

Ran a Half Marathon last Monday followed by a 8 mile run on Saturday & a 12 mile today. Bad news is that I have hurt my left foot badly and can hardly walk on it. Quite upset by it.

Received my first 2 lots of donations today. From Phil Nolan & Mahesh Bhat - both former colleagues of mine.

Got a Garmin 310XT for Christmas!! This will replace my old Garmin 301.

Today's route was hilly & got my heart rate going...

Sunday, 26 December 2010

Week 15. Runs = 0. Turkey = 1.

The only run I did was chasing the Turkey down the road. The feathered creature managed to open the fridge door & slide out.  However I caught sight of "her" as she made it out of the front door. I gave chase and in the process reached hurricane speeds.... This was enough training for me for the week.
Merry Christmas 2010

Sunday, 19 December 2010

Week 14 - Runs = 2 - Total = 20.81 (Miles)

Since my 8.5 mile on Sunday I did core strength training @ gym on Monday followed by a Tuesday run - 9.5 mile with a 18.5 lb rucksack on my back! Strangely I felt good and could have run more! Perhaps all my training is starting to pay back.

Ran 11.5 miles with marathon group today. I really pushed it and achieved an average pace of 8.47 minute per mile. This is the fastest I have ever run since I started training 13 weeks ago! I feel the run now!

My ex colleague, Struan, runs Marathons & sent me a energy drink recipe. I made it today. Here are his instructions... tastes good too....
Into a jug I add:
  • low fat yoghurt (e.g. greek natural)
  • chopped banana
  • chopped strawberries
  • blueberries
  • sunflower seeds
  • honey
plus sometimes, chopped avocado, pine nuts and poppy seeds.
Then blend altogether. Orange juice can also be added to thin the resulting mixture.
Other things to consider are dates. I'd started taking a handful of them with me on the run as they're a great source of glucose.
The only thing missing are the strawberries. 

Sunday, 12 December 2010

Week 13 - Runs = 2 - Total = 13.45 (Miles)

Run 1 - Ran home from work with a couple or so loops at a park on the way.
Run 2 - Ran with the Marathon Training group. I should have run a longer distance as there was an option to do so but as the instructions were a bit vague I turned back. So as I ran a relatively short one (8+ miles) I "upped" the pace (9 min miles) and finished ahead.

It was a beautiful morning & as usual the Brighton Marathon "ambassadors" did a great job. Met Sara who organises these runs too.

Was talking to Peter who I was running with for a short time. He told me how he changed his lifestyle of drinking & started taking up running. He used to drink almost a bottle of Whiskey  a day but now he hardly drinks. So great to hear such stories. I am inspired.

Did a lot of Gym work to increase core strength & stability.

Todays run along the beach... lovely.

Saturday, 4 December 2010

Week 12 - Runs = 1 - Total = 13.49 (Miles)

Got up this morning and was amazed to see that most of the snow had melted overnight. Did my usual half marathon on the hills. Man, it was like running on a bed of "slush puppies" (drink). At one stage I could not feel my toes!

Fell down twice but thankfully no injuries.

More core strength Gym work this week with a spinning class as well.
Just after the run!

Sunday, 28 November 2010

Week 11 - Runs = 2 - Total = 14.08 (Miles)

I joined up with the Brighton Marathon training run organised by the Brighton Marathon group. A great dedicated group of folk.

We started at Sussex uni and ran a hilly off road route 9.3 mile . It was the type of running I am used to. Ran mostly with Sarah & Kim (from Church) and it was a beautiful Sunday morning & the views were breathtaking.

Had the first spots of snow this morning too!

I ran back home from work on Friday (4.75 miles). I had a heavy rucksack on my back but this did not bother me much.

Compared to my 17 mile run last Saturday this was a breeze ;)

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Week 10 - Runs = 1 - Total = 16.8 (Miles) 27KM

Actually its 2 runs but I forgot to take my Garmin when I ran to the Gym from work. This was 2.66 miles (my iphone recorded it for me!).

I concentrated on core strength exercise at the GYM and also did a Spin lesson plus a swim. Ran home from work one day too!

Today I ran along the Adur river - my longest run so far. I ran for 3 hours (like last week) but did more miles as the route was not hilly. However is was very muddy and I had to run carefully as it was very slippery.

Before the run I met this guy who said he was 80 & a past marathon runner. He looked about 60!!


Thought I should look into diet as I am convinced that this plays an important role in training for a Marathon. Here is what I found....

Regular snacking:
Research shows that eating little and often throughout the day is a sure way to avoid low blood sugar levels and tiredness by the time you get home for your run.
Eat high-carbohydrate low fat snacks (Dry breakfast cereal, plain popcorn, bagels, low-fat crispbreads, bananas and other fruit). These are the best fuel. Avoid: high-fat snacks (crisps and chocolate).

Main Meals:
Proper meals are where carbo-loading really counts. Pasta is best but rice, baked potatoes, lentils, muesli and even baked beans are excellent high-carbohydrate foods. Also need protein, minerals, fibre and energy

Water water:
Water is the body’s most important nutrient (50-60% of bodyweight). Drink throughout the day, with a pint of water (or a sports drink) an hour before you run, and half a pint for every 30 minutes of running. On days when you run you should aim to consume five litres during the day, twice as much as is necessary on rest days.

Carbo-load for recovery
Immediately after a hard run refuel your body with high-carbohydrate food or drink. The first four hours after strenuous exercise is a crucial time for taking on new glycogen to replace whats lost. Stock up every 15 minutes or so because this maintains higher blood glucose and insulin concentrations, which in turn makes greater absorption into the muscles possible. Recent research suggests that including around 25 per cent protein in your recovery food will optimise the recovery of your muscles.

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Week 9 - Runs = 1 - Total = 15.1 (Miles)

I noticed that my body was getting tired and I also started to have a pain on my right knee... I knew that my training was not "technically" correct. So I joined a gym and put together a training plan that included the following.
- Core strength exercises
- Interval training
- Swimming & Cycling

I needed to keep my muscles in "balance" and avoid any repetitive strain injury.

Today I ran my longest run... 15 miles. It took me 3hours! The last time I did this was in March 2008 but that was running on a flat route. I ran it in 2h 27 min. Today's run included over 12 hills! What a difference age & hills make!!!

I had to sleep for 2 hours to give my body a rest!

Monday, 8 November 2010

Homemade Sports Drink

As you run, two things happen:
(1) you lose water as your body uses it to cool down and 
(2) you use muscle carbohydrate reserves to fuel your movement.

You need energy drinks if you train hard or long on a regular basis. Water alone is far less effective at rehydrating than an energy drink containing electrolytes (body salts). 

Homemade Sports Drink Recipe #1
  • 10 tbs. sugar (5/8 cups or 120 grams)
  • .75 tsp Sea salt (4.2 grams) or Morton’s lite
  • 1 package of unsweetened Koolade mix for flavor
  • Water to make 2 liters
The recipe will give a total of 124 grams of solute which in 2 liters water gives a total of 6.2% concentration. For an 8 oz serving this gives:
  • 14.2 grams carbohydrate (6%)
  • 53 calories
  • 103 mg Sodium
  • 121 mg Potassium
If you wanted to reduce the potassium, another option would be to use 1/2 tsp. each of regular sea salt and the Morton Lite Salt. This would change it to:
  • 104mg sodium
  • 40mg potassium
Homemade Sports Drink Recipe #2
If you wanted to reduce the amount of potassium, or simply didn’t want to buy some Morton Lite Salt, here is another option.
  • 1/2 cup orange juice
  • 9 tbs. Sugar
  • 3/8 tsp Salt
  • Water to 2 liters

    By Dr. Lorraine Williams

    Saturday, 6 November 2010

    Week 8 - Runs = 3 - Total = 24.6 (Miles)

    Good total this week. The first run on Monday was strange as I could not even see where I was running. I ran home from work on Wednesday but was surprised how quickly I got home so did some runs in the park on the way.
    Did a big one today. I seem to have done it slightly quicker so pleased with this. Very tired now so might have a quick kip.

    Saturday, 30 October 2010

    Week 7 - Runs = 1 - Total = 6.51 (Miles)

    Did not do my "big" Saturday run this week as I was in London visiting friends. So ran on a Thursday. It was so dark that I could not at times see where I was running and it included some running on pavement too.. Yuk!

    Sunday, 24 October 2010

    Week 6 - Runs = 1 - Total = 13.53 (Miles)

    Started a new job this week so only one Saturday run. Ran the same half marathon hilly route for the third consecrative week!. Did not feel good felt as though I was dragging my body along.... old age?
    No improvement in times!

    I was on top of a very high hill to be greeted by thunder, lightening & hail! Thank God it was only for a few minutes.
    A nice 10 minute soak in ice cold water to heal muscle soreness. I do this after every long run and I very rarely suffer sore muscles after the run. Try it!

    Oh by the way today was my birthday! Not bad for a 50+ year old eh?

    Sunday, 17 October 2010

    Week 5 - Runs = 1 - Total = 13.52 (Miles)

    Only one run this week due to injury (see Week 4 post).
    I ran the same half marathon route again. Its funny how the times compare!

    Sunday, 10 October 2010

    Week 4 - Runs = 2 - Total = 19.37 Miles

    I ran a long one on Saturday... 13.4 miles over the hills. It was very misty I could not see beyond 10 meters!
    I picked up a strange injury... blood under my toenail. As it was getting worse I saw a doctor on Monday who told me that the toe was under trauma due to the long run!!!! New one for me! I am now on antibiotics.
    Also ran the usual 5.5 mile run on wednesday with the running club.
    After my 13.5 mile run. Knackered!